My Projects and Contributions
Who am I?
Brief resumé
🎓 I'm taking a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science at Universidade do Minho.
👨💻 I'm experienced with HTML, CSS, JS and popular JS Frameworks such as NextJS, Svelte and Vue.
⚙️ I'm studying languages such as C, Java, Go, Python and Haskell.
⭐️ Gopher for life!
A little about myself
Hi! I'm Miguel Santos, a 18 year old Portuguese self-taught web developer. I work mainly with Svelte (used for this website), NextJS and Vue. Backend is not a strong point and I've been learning Go and C. I've experimented with Rust, Kotlin and even Python! I can say I love tinkering around with different programming languages feeling around for what I find more intuitive to me.
I first started coding at the age of 14 when I got invited to an internship at a start-up named "Lovys". But before joining, I was challenged to work with Python and learn the basics of coding. I started by taking a free Harvard course, CS50. I couldn't finish it, but I learnt a lot. In that internship, I learnt a bit more of Python, working with APIs and a small library known by all, turtle. And hey! That's me while at it!
![Miguel sitting at his desk during the internship](/about-myself/internship.webp)
![Miguel leaning on a wall near Porto Beach](/about-myself/internship-beach.webp)
What got me into coding
I've always been keen on computers, my first electronic device was an android tablet when I was only 5-6 years old. I can't remember the exact model, but I know that not soon after I managed to find ways of cracking my favourite and fastest growing game at the time, Minecraft. In 5th grade I made an attempt at joining a programming club, but due to it being overcrowded, I had to leave and joined my friend on another club.
Later on, at the end of 9th grade, I joined the internship I wrote about above. That was the true spark of my coding journey. All thanks to my cousin that never gave up motivating me to continue working and improving. Not just in coding, but also in studies.
My personality
I'm a very casual person around those I meet, especially with friends, despite the initial interaction barrier being quite hard to break for me. I work mainly alone, but I'm open to team work.
I'm very focused on my work, doing everything I set my mind to. My biggest flaw is exactly the same thing: if I simply set my mind to not do something, I won't do it. I do try to go around it and push through my own lack of motivation for things I find useless or without meaning.